word division

  • 网络分词;字词拆分;单词拆分
word divisionword division


division of a word especially at the end of a line on a page
Synonym: hyphenation


  1. The errors I am talking about include unidiomatic English , grammatical blunders , misspellings and improper word division at the end of the lines .


  2. In combination with this research , the platform design objective and general structure were determined and the key techniques for the development of the system were esta - bished , such as design of the client interfacing , text analysis and automatic word division and weighting .


  3. This paper falls into 5 parts : In the first chapter , we elaborate the original idea of this topic and the research technique of this article and introduce standard of its edition , word and times division .


  4. During the division of tax powers , the writer continuously is using the special word Arrangement but Division written in many literature , because the writer is thinking the tax powers as a kind of source with the features as scarcity or limitedness .


  5. As modern Chinese language develops with the time , double-syllable word experiences integration and division .


  6. This paper will discuss the universal law and function of Russian word order from the division of simple sentence .
